Are you looking for cheaper auto insurance? Here are 11 uncommon savings opportunities... 1. A good number of insurance carriers will give you a discount if you are part of an auto club. Even if this discount is very small it's still something. 2. Have you checked with the associations you belong to if they have discounts from any insurer? Insurers give these associations group discounts in the hope that they will in that one move attract many of their members to buy an auto insurance policy with them. Even though you may not necessarily join an association because you want a group auto insurance discount, it makes sense to take advantage of it if it's offered to any association you already belong to. 3. You can get a considerable discount if your child does not use the car for a considerable period because he/she is away at school. Take advantage of this if your child is in college. Just note that not all insurers offer this discount. 4. There are cars that cost far more to insure. So have this on your mind when you shop for your next car. Avoid any car that has a high theft rate and/or a bad crash rating. Along these lines, vehicles that typically cost more to maintain also cost more to insure. I don't know about you; but it does make sense to choose a comparable vehicle that is more insurance-friendly. 5. Joining a car pool will help you get a lower rate. Carpooling helps you reduce your mileage which is a strong factor in calculating your rate. And, the less your mileage, the better risk you are to an insurer. 6. Do you know if an insurer has a group discount for the company you work in? Group discounts are given by insurance companies as an incentive to members of an association to buy policies from them. That would save them on customer acquisition. 7. You'll pay a lot more if you live in New York City than you would if you lived in some sparsely populated town. Rural areas get far cheaper rates because they are less exposed to risks of vandalism, theft, collision and others that are usually associated with urban areas. 8. You might be able to bring down your rate if you take time to review your policy from time to time. It's interesting to note that a lot of people still pay for things they needed yesterday but no longer need for today. A good example is a case where a couple leave their wedded daughter on their policy for months or even a few years just because they did not remember. There are discounts you might have qualified for. It might also no longer be in your best interest to retain certain coverage types. Therefore, don't fail to go through your policy from time to time. You might see a few things that are no longer necessary and save as you drop them. 9. Make sure your auto insurance policy is never allowed to lapse for any reason..Folks who allow this to happen to them pay more expensive rates for a long time. This happens to some individuals when they are about switching to another insurance company. A simple way to be certain you do NOT make this type of mistake is to maintain your old policy until you've confirmed that the new policy is in full force. Many people are paying higher rates than they should just because they made this mistake. So do take care so you don't become one of them. 10. Is it possible you have a car that you've not used for a long while? Do you have a car that you've just forgotten about because of the headaches it gives you or something? Is this car still on your auto insurance policy or have you removed it? Funny as it may seem, this is one reason some folks pay higher rates than they should. I hope this is not the case with you. 11. You can realize savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. The best way is to visit a minimum of five quotes sites and making sure that you input the same (correct) information about yourself. I advise that you use not less than five quotes sites because that will ensure you do not miss out offers not carried by the other sites. This gives you a broader basis for doing more extensive comparisons thereby increasing your chances of realizing more savings. Here are great pages for auto insurance quotes... InsureMe Auto Insurance Quotes Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Cheapest Auto Insurance - Often-Overlooked Savings Tips
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