Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Driving Efficiently Helps You Save on Car Insurance

Economical motoring could slash your fuel bills, but did you know it could help you save on car insurance too?

According to RIAS the over 50s reduce their fuel spend, save on maintenance costs and cut their car insurance premiums all at the same time by driving more efficiently.

Statistically speaking, driving in a more considered manner reduces the likelihood of you being involved in an accident. Its research found that over 50s, who generally drive in a more gradual and efficient manner, make fewer car insurance claims and are considered relatively low risk by insurers. This means that they can profit from competitively priced car insurance premiums.

While younger motorists may not carry the same reputation and therefore won't see the same immediate benefit from driving efficiently on their car insurance premiums, in the long term it could pay off for them too. Staying accident free, particularly in your first year behind the wheel could slash premiums as a number of companies offer no-claims bonuses - some insurers even offer rapid bonus schemes to new drivers allowing them to earn a full year's no-claims in around nine or 10 months.

So what steps can you take to be more economical behind the wheel?

Drivers should plan their journeys ahead of time. It makes sense to combine appointments and deal with several errands on one journey and to pick routes that keep you away from heavy traffic.

Another step is to make sure your tyre pressures are correct - regular checks reduce the risk of accidents, and keeping your tyres inflated properly boosts fuel efficiency. Remember to accelerate gradually and slow down with ease - not only will this help to lower your fuel bills it also gives other drivers more time to react to your actions.

If you can reduce the number of car journeys you make, let your car insurance provider know. Several insurers offer cheap car insurance if you agree to a mileage limit.

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