Shop around Shopping around for car insurance can save you a lot of money. Quite often though, insurers increase prices after the first year. Based on quotes for comprehensive cover, a 56 year old man and partner driving a ford focus and living in a high risk area could save 500 pounds, just by moving from a poor value deal to a competitive one. The best thing to do is keep moving your business. Haggle Play one insurer against another. Your insurer may match or beat you best quote or at least improve on their initial one. No claims? You will usually save around 30 per cent after one year of no claims. People tend not to claim for minor damage as this would affect their no claims discount. Look online Internet quotes can be more than 10 percent cheaper than phone quotes, so get quotes online as well as on the phone. Speak to a specialist If you are a young driver or drive a high risk car such as a sports car, you may get a better quote from going through a broker. For the majority, buying direct from the insurer works. Watch your mileage When you do get a quote, do not overestimate your annual mileage. 'I just saved 45 pounds, as my annual mileage has fallen from 15,000 to 9,000 a year.' says Richard Headland motoring editor of Which. Also tell your insurer if you do not use your car to drive to work. If possible pay your annual premiums in one go, as most insurers charge interest if you pay monthly, some up to 29 percent. Bigger excesses If you take out a policy with a bigger excess you can reduce your annual car insurance premium. Your excess is the amount you have to pay if you made a claim. It is worth shopping around as savings vary from one insurer to another. No Frills Many insurers offer basic policies. For example, you would get a lower price if you did not opt for a courtesy car. If you could cope without a car for a couple of days this would be a consideration. Check the add-ons At an additional cost, normally around 65 pounds, insurers will offer breakdown over. This maybe convenient at the time and sound great but you will probably buy it cheaper elsewhere. It can be cheaper to buy it separately. Add another driver If the driver you want to add is experienced, with a good driving record and also lives at the same address, this may also reduce premiums. Further training. It will help to get discount off your premiums, if you take further driver training, such as the Advanced Driving Test. Increased security You can cut premiums if you have additional security measures such as an alarm or immobiliser. Ask your insurer what devices qualify for a discount. The majority of insurers also will give further discounts if you park your car in a garage or on a driveway overnight rather than on a street, Don't overstate value Nearly all insurers will only pay the current market value of your car if it is written off. Do not overstate the value of your car when getting quotes. The Car Insurance Rover offers great deals on Online Car insurance, other financial products. Visit our site for more info. Our sister site Brokers Online offers cutting edge articles and information about Car Insurance and other great financial products.
Monday, February 9, 2009
How to Buy Car Insurance
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