How long ago did you purchase your auto insurance? If it's been more than a couple of years, you should seriously consider shopping online for auto insurance coverage. With the sophisticated online tools available for requesting auto insurance quotes, it's a simple matter to find out if the coverage you have today is still the best bargain. Before we talk about the ease of receiving online quotes, let's look at the reasons someone would want to explore new coverage. One of the most common is rising insurance premiums. While we might expect higher premiums if our driving record is shaky, that's not the only reason some insurers raise their rates. Poor credit, a more expensive vehicle or a change in marital status are only a few of the reasons your insurance carrier may raise your rates. Not all insurance companies, though, use the same criteria. That's why using a convenient online rate comparison tool is a good idea. Another reason to shop your auto insurance is that, if you've been working through a "captive agent" for years, she may not have the ability to offer you better coverage. In other words, if the products she represents aren't the best choice for you any longer, it may be time to look beyond her company. Loyalty and service should always be considered in business transactions, but if you're paying far more to keep the same agent, you need to count that cost. There's one more thing to consider if you're working through a captive agency. If you're moving outside their geographic area, you'll probably be assigned to another agent in your new location. It makes sense to shop for coverage before you lock yourself back in to the same company, just to make sure you're getting the best value. Once you've decided you'd like to compare your auto insurance rates with other companies', there are several ways to go about that process. As we mentioned, some insurance companies offer their coverage through captive agents. By watching local ads, you could learn which companies are represented by local agencies and visit each for a rate quote. You could also go online to those insurance companies' websites and make your requests there. Once you've gathered those individual quotes, sit down and compare coverage, premium rates and what you know about each company's claims service. Based on those factors, decide which insurer offers you the best value. If going through that process sounds too time-consuming, why not take advantage of one of the online insurance comparison tools? These websites allow you to enter your information once into an online application, then produce a rate comparison for several insurance companies at once. Some even offer customer ratings, so you'll know how well they service claims. You can then contact the company offering the best value for more information. Whether you choose to visit individual insurance agencies or streamline the rate comparison process online, periodically shopping your auto insurance coverage is a good idea. You may even be able to use the information you gather to negotiate a better rate with your current insurer. Even if you decide your current coverage is the best value, you'll have made that decision based on facts rather than assumptions. The ease of comparing coverage online gives everyone the chance to know for sure. Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Reasons to Shop Online For Auto Insurance
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