There are a lot of commonly held beliefs about what sections of the motoring public are generally entitled to cheaper car insurance from providers. Some are more true than others, and some are very general and are best taken with at least a pinch of salt. However, provided you've got a generally clean driving record, there are a few circumstances where you could expect a cheaper premium. To begin with, people generally start to see cheaper premiums after they reach the age of 25. This is sometimes referred to as a bit of a 'magic age' in terms of car cover, and companies believe drivers above this age deserve a lower cost because they are past the early stages of driving when they might be more inclined to drive irresponsibly or without full attention. Above the age of 25 is generally also considered to be a time when someone will have settled down into a job and perhaps their own accommodation, and as such may have a generally more responsible approach. Other members of the motoring public who could get slightly cheaper premiums are women drivers. This isn't necessarily because they are better drivers, but because in general they make less expensive claims and fewer claims. Insurers are prepared to offer women cheaper deals because traditionally their driving is associated with more minor damage, whereas men are theoretically more prone to significant smashes and even write-offs. Men are generally more likely to clock up speeding tickets than women as well, and typically drive further on a yearly basis, meaning they have a higher annual mileage and are on the road more often compared to women. This of course could increase their chances of having to make a claim.? Drivers over 50 are traditionally also able to get cheaper policies from many companies, and some firms even specialise in offering cheap policies to those who have reached the half century. However, 'over fifty' does not necessarily mean a car insurance company will give a discount to anyone over this age. Those drivers in their 80s in particular, may find it difficult to find a cheap deal. Those between the ages of 50 and 60 might find they get a discount, and those who are retired may also expect to pay less. This is again due to the theory that someone of this age will drive less and will probably have a wealth of driving experience behind them - ?so when they do drive, they are more likely to drive carefully and not during rush hour. Whether or not an individual's insurance will go down depends on their circumstances:
Russell Marlow is a London based freelance writer who writes about financial products including car insurance.
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